First teaching in Dzogchen Beara Temple

Over the weekend of July 13 and 14, Dzogchen Beara’s new Temple opened to the public and hosted its first […]

National Sangha Gathering in Dzogchen Beara

We recently had a wonderful National Sangha Gathering in Dzogchen Beara 12-14 April. Fifty three people attended. We enjoyed a […]

Exploring Happiness: A Review

In Autumn 2023 a small group of people of various ages and walks of life gathered at the Rigpa centre […]

Natural Great Peace meditation retreat report
Natural great peace 2023

Last week, we celebrated the 10th anniversary of the one-week long Natural GreatPeace retreat at Dzogchen Beara. For the past […]

‘From Calm to Clarity’ retreat in Dzogchen Beara

In October, the Rigpa sangha was delighted to welcome Verena Pfeiffer to Dzogchen Beara for a three-day practice retreat entitled […]

Peter Cornish, founder of Dzogchen Beara, passed away

Dear Friends, We’re writing to let you know that our dear friend Peter Cornish, founder of Dzogchen Beara, passed away […]

Rigpa Dublin Event: The Three Approaches to Healing –  online by Alain Beauregard
Alain featured

On Saturday 21st October 2023, Rigpa Dublin organised a wonderful session with Alain Beauregard called “The Three Approaches to Healing” […]

Medical Qigong in Cork
Medical qigong workshop participants in Cork

On Saturday 2nd September we had a wonderful morning of Medical qigong with Tony Walsh. The 26 participants benefited greatly […]

North Coast Sangha Summer retreat report
NorthCoast group picture - featured

At the beginning of August 2023, thirteen members of the North Coast sangha decided to step out of their regular […]

Ringu Tulku Rinpoche returns to Dzogchen Beara
Ringu Tulku in Dzogchen Beara - featured image

Ringu Tulku Rinpoche was teaching in the UK and Ireland in June and the Irish Sangha has been very fortunate […]

Freeing lives on Saga Dawa Düchen
Preparing lobsters for release

On Sunday 4th June, a sacred anniversary of the Buddha, a group in Beara took part in a practice of releasing the lives of animals.

Impressions from the Rigpa Shedra 2023
group picture in nepal - featured image

Two Irish Rigpa students talk about their Shedra experience in Nepal between February and April 2023.

Khenchen Pema Sherab’s visit to Dzogchen Beara
Khenchen Pema Sherab teaching at Dzogchen Beara

Norma reports on the first visit of Khenchen Pema Sherab to Ireland. For several days, Rinpoche gave teachings and lead practices at Dzogchen Beara.

Rigpa Athlone – Celebrating 20 years

This year we joyfully celebrate 20 years since the opening of Rigpa Athlone. Establishing the centre was something that came […]

Rigpa Sangha national gathering
Rigpa Sangha national gathering 2023

In April, Rigpa students from all over the island of Ireland gathered at Dzogchen Beara to share a weekend of practices and discussions.

Dzogchen Beara on RTE
Dzogchen Beara featured on RTE

A segment from RTE’s Nationwide’s piece on Dzogchen Beara as part of their look at the Beara Peninsula!

The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying is turning 30!

This year marks the 30th Anniversary since ‘The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying’ was first published! A manual for […]

Help us open the temple
Help us open the temple

Thanks to the generosity of the Rigpa Sangha and all those who have donated, the copper roofs of the Dzogchen Beara […]

dzogchen-beara-banner The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying free preview link

Upcoming Events

Resting the mind, Mondays online
Rest your mind
Rigpa North Coast
8th January - 16th December 2024

Daily meditation, Dzogchen Beara Temple
Dzogchen Beara
Garranes, Allihies
West Cork
17th July - 26th August 2024

Beginners Medical Qigong
Beginners Medical Qigong thumbnail
Bru Columbanus
Cardinal Way, Wilton
7th September 2024

The Way of the Great Perfection
15th October - 24th June 2025