Medical Qigong in Cork

On Saturday 2nd September we had a wonderful morning of Medical qigong with Tony Walsh. The 26 participants benefited greatly from Tony’s expertise and knowledge of this ancient Chinese tradition.

Tony began by giving us an overview of Medical qigong. He explained that this is the path of transformation in the body.

Medical qigong workshop participants in Cork

We then practiced various exercises under Tony’s guidance. The breathing combined with movement brought about a greater sense of relaxation in the body and slowed down the busyness of our thinking minds. We all appreciated the benefits of the morning and we’re looking forward to Tony returning on January 6th.

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Upcoming Events

Resting the mind, Mondays online
Rest your mind
Rigpa North Coast
8th January - 16th December 2024

Daily meditation, Dzogchen Beara Temple
Dzogchen Beara
Garranes, Allihies
West Cork
17th July - 26th August 2024

Beginners Medical Qigong
Beginners Medical Qigong thumbnail
Bru Columbanus
Cardinal Way, Wilton
7th September 2024

The Way of the Great Perfection
15th October - 24th June 2025