Time to Meditate – Cork Mondays

Time to meditate cork Buddha statue

Weekly Meditation and Loving Kindness/Compassion practice on a ‘drop-in ‘ basis. 

This is an opportunity to meet , sit , simply staying present to all experiences as they arise, getting to know ,making friends with our mind, connecting with our natural essence of being.

Light guidance given. Guided Loving Kindness/Compassion practice.


Mondays, 7.30 pm. – 8.30pm, in-person and on Zoom.

15 April 2024 – 27 May 2024


Request Zoom link by mailing Rigpa Cork : rigpa.cork@gmail.com


The sessions are held upstairs in room 6 at the SMA Wilton Parish community centre.

The centre is on the left side of St Joseph’s church in Wilton, T12AX94 ,directly opposite the main gates to Cork University Hospital (see map below).


A suggested donation of €5 towards each session much appreciated. Please don’t let finance be an obstacle to attending.


Irene WunderlichIrene Wunderlich has been a Rigpa student for 20 years.
She has completed the 3-year home retreat and attended many retreats at Dzogchen Beara retreat centre.
She became part of the Rigpa Cork instructor team in 2013 where she regularly holds guided meditations, Loving Kindness and compassion practices.


dzogchen-beara-banner The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying free preview link

Upcoming Events

Resting the mind, Mondays online
Rest your mind
Rigpa North Coast
8th January - 16th December 2024

Daily meditation, Dzogchen Beara Temple
Dzogchen Beara
Garranes, Allihies
West Cork
17th July - 26th August 2024

Beginners Medical Qigong
Beginners Medical Qigong thumbnail
Bru Columbanus
Cardinal Way, Wilton
7th September 2024

The Way of the Great Perfection
15th October - 24th June 2025