The Life and Teachings of the Buddha

Buddha statue

This course takes us a journey through the Buddha’s life, illustrating how its stages and key turning points offer valuable insights into how we can bring Buddhist values to dealing with the challenges we ourselves face in this life.

The course is based on teachings given by Ringu Tulku Rinpoche in 2020 and the Biography of the Buddha by Thich Nhat Hanh ‘Old Path, White Clouds’.


In the eight sessions we will

It is suitable for anyone.

We will do this through guided meditations, reflections and discussions in small groups.


Rigpa Dublin, 12 Wicklow Street
The event is available online for those who are unable to come to the centre in person.


8 Classes from 17.7 to 11.9 (no class on Bank holiday Monday, 7.8)


This includes a tea break.


Suggested donation: 160 euro waged, 100 euro concession, free to Rigpa Sangha members (Please email to obtain the access code)


Klara Finkele

Klara Finkele portraitKlara has been studying Tibetan Buddhism since 2001. She has done several long term practice retreats as well as studied under Khenchen Namdrol in the Rigpa Shedra (Buddhist philosophy program in Nepal). She enjoys teaching new students meditation and is enthusiastic about all aspects of practice from the simple meditation practice to the more elaborate traditional practices. Klara also is a volunteer with the St Francis Hospice in Dublin providing bereavement support.

Tony Mealy

Tony Mealy portraitTony has been following the Buddhist path for nearly 10 years during which he has attended and supported courses in Dublin and online. He has also attended retreats in Dzogchen Beara. He has been a member of the Rigpa Dublin management group and is currently a member of the Rigpa Ireland Board. He has also participated in a number of Rigpa International strategy workshops.


dzogchen-beara-banner The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying free preview link

Upcoming Events

Resting the mind, Mondays online
Rest your mind
Rigpa North Coast
8th January - 16th December 2024

Daily meditation, Dzogchen Beara Temple
Dzogchen Beara
Garranes, Allihies
West Cork
17th July - 26th August 2024

Beginners Medical Qigong
Beginners Medical Qigong thumbnail
Bru Columbanus
Cardinal Way, Wilton
7th September 2024

The Way of the Great Perfection
15th October - 24th June 2025