Rigpa Dublin – Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Centre at Culture Night

culture night

Online via Zoom

Free, but requires registration

Suitable for anyone

Thriving Together: Well-being Tools for Parents and Educators

4-5pm, with Fiona Clarke

In this workshop we will explore simple proven tools to care for ourselves and others, learn how mindfulness can boost well-being and resilience and reconnect with our good heart.

Short Guided Meditations

5-6pm, with Klara Finkele

Meditation is a way to cultivate greater mindfulness and awareness and familiarise ourselves with a more relaxed, spacious, and present way of being. These short guided meditations will be suitable for anyone.

The Rhythm of Our Heart

6-7pm, with Sinsi Ong

The rhythm represents movement and music, and the heart stands for love and wisdom. In this talk, we will explore how music and meditation can meet together and help us to connect with our true nature. Beyond entertainment, music can become a way to change our perception on reality.

Short Guided Meditations

7-8pm, with Klara Finkele

Meditation is a way to cultivate greater mindfulness and awareness and familiarise ourselves with a more relaxed, spacious, and present way of being. These short guided meditations will be suitable for anyone.

The Science of Happiness

8-9pm, with Eric Soyeux and Natascha Geuzenbroek

We all long to be happy. But what exactly does that mean? And how much influence do we actually have on it? In this workshop we examine which factors give our lives meaning and make us happy. The lessons provide training in how to gradually awaken and develop the potential of happiness in our lives. Scientific research shows that by practicing mindfulness and by generating feelings of connection, gratitude, awe and (self) compassion, we can positively influence the chemistry and neurology of our body and thus our moods. These findings appear to correspond with the methods and wisdom that have come from Buddhism.

Fiona Clarke

Fiona has been learning and practicing mindfulness for thirty years, and is passionate about sharing well-being practices with others. Since 2004, she has been holding retreats and courses in mindfulness and compassion. Fiona is the CEO and a senior trainer at Mind With Heart – an international charity, sharing well-being tools with young people, parents and educators.

Sinsi Ong

Sinsi grew up in a Chinese family, and he worked for many years as a sound engineer for music festivals and artists on tour. He has been a student of Buddhism since 1996 and is a meditation teacher and speaker on Buddhist philosophy. He lived, studied and completed a 3-year retreat in a Tibetan monastery. For the past 11 years, he has given workshops to people of every walk of life and has a keen interest in how to free the mind from his limitations. He was also a live sound engineer for Hip-hop, jazz and funk artists for decades.

Eric Soyeux

Eric met his teachers Sogyal Rinpoche and Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche in 1984 in Amsterdam. From that time on he enthusiastically threw himself into the study and practice of the Dharma. He is co-founder of the Rigpa Foundation and also of other Buddhist organizations such as the Dzogchen Foundation and the Buddhist Union of the Netherlands. Over the years he has received lessons from teachers from multiple traditions, including the Bön tradition and the Yuthok tradition associated with Tibetan medicine. With his partner Natascha Geuzenbroek, he now teaches meditation and compassion in healthcare, business and education areas.

Natascha Geuzenbroek

In the late 1990s Natascha came across ‘The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying’ by Sogyal Rinpoche and was completely captivated: this is it! For as long as she can remember she sought and longed for knowledge about her true essence in order to connect with the world around her from this state. That is why she chose to go to the three-year retreat from 2006 to 2009 in order to deeply investigate, practice and thereafter integrate the Buddhist insights and values into her daily life. This period has given her the inspiration to now, together with Eric Soyeux, offer meditation and compassion training through their company Be Real Meditation Training.

Klara Finkele

Klara has been studying Tibetan Buddhism since 2001. She has done several long term practice retreats as well as studied under Khenchen Namdrol in the Rigpa Shedra (Buddhist philosophy program in Nepal). She enjoys teaching new students meditation and is enthusiastic about all aspects of practice from the simple meditation practice to the more elaborate traditional practices. Klara also is a volunteer with the St Francis Hospice in Dublin providing bereavement support.


dzogchen-beara-banner The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying free preview link

Upcoming Events

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Daily meditation, Dzogchen Beara Temple
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Garranes, Allihies
West Cork
17th July - 26th August 2024

Beginners Medical Qigong
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Bru Columbanus
Cardinal Way, Wilton
7th September 2024

The Way of the Great Perfection
15th October - 24th June 2025