Path to Freedom

Uncover buddha nature

The “Path to Freedom” is a group of free Zoom events open to everyone.

It has a unique format designed to encourage dialog and exploration. A light-hearted approach, where the goal is personal realisation.The focus is primarily on dzogchen meditation, but the participants can suggest topics, ask questions and relay their experiences either in the main group or in smaller more intimate breakout groups.

There are two principal ringleaders, Martin and Cecily but what makes the sessions really work are the contributions made by the participants, many of whom are long term Dharma students. Frequently though the newer people ask the best questions!

Not everyone has the time or interest to participate in every event, so we split each session into several parts, and you can decide which aspects are more important to you, which you would like to participate in. (More details below).

All the sessions are recorded and made available as YouTube videos and or audio files, so that you can catch up if you miss a session or just want to hear them again. Just ask if you don’t want to be on a recording and we will remove you from it. So, you can feel free to express yourself! We welcome input from everyone, anytime.


Here are the timelines for the parts:

Every Saturday:

At 9 am a guided meditation for about 15 minutes (The YouTube video is usually made Public)
At 9:15 am we chat, sometimes about the guided meditation, sometimes about the difficulties in our lives. This is usually the most intimate Path to Freedom session and as such sometimes the recordings are only available to the people present.

Alternate Wednesdays:

At 7 pm Exploring the practice of Ngondro
Based on the book “Turning Confusion into Clarity” by Mingyur Rinpoche
At 7:30 there is a Dharma presentation. There are many pauses where you can ask questions, clarify and so on.
Usually there will be breakout groups of 4-5 people where you can explore with others your understanding and your confusion.


The following Wednesday:

Prompted by a theme, teaching, or quote and with several friends’ inputs, we continue exploring how we might apply the teachings and the practice by

7:00 Using a guided contemplation taking a look, gently, no stress;
7:25 Sharing our understanding, insights, with a small group, if we like;
7:40 Exploring “In Love with The World”, where Mingyur Rinpoche’s experiences show how we can find ease in any difficulty in everyday life;
8:05 Guiding compassion practice – Loving Kindness, Tonglen, giving time;
8:30 Dedicating our efforts to the ultimate freedom of all beings.
8:33 Hearing from you- anything you ask or say really helps.
The Zoom ends at 8:45, but audio and or video files are sent when ready.

The program runs throughout the year, beginning of January 17th. We do of course take breaks, school holidays, summer vacation etc.



There are no restrictions on who can join and when.
Feel free to join any session to find what appeals to you.



There is no charge for attending, but you can donate to Rigpa if you find it useful and would like to express your appreciation.

 Donate Here



When registering, you can choose whether or not to get email reminders etc.
You will be emailed the Zoom Link.

Register Here


Course Leaders

The presentations will draw from the teachings of both contemporary Buddhist teachers, a deep and ancient lineage of meditation instructions from the Buddhist tradition and contemporary scientific discoveries.

Cecily Leonard

Cecily first met the dharma in 1978 and found meditation, introduced then, helped settle her chaotic mind, bit by bit. Soon too, she met several teachers whose ease and clarity and profound advices show who we are, how we can be. Cecily tries out their advice as best she can in everyday life, and loves exploring the richness of all this with others along the way.


Martin Leonard
Martin has been studying Buddhist teachings for over forty years and has received teachings from such eminent Tibetan masters as Dudjom Rinpoche and Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. He has completed a three year retreat. His style is both humorous and approachable.


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Upcoming Events

Resting the mind, Mondays online
Rest your mind
Rigpa North Coast
8th January - 16th December 2024

Daily meditation, Dzogchen Beara Temple
Dzogchen Beara
Garranes, Allihies
West Cork
17th July - 26th August 2024

Beginners Medical Qigong
Beginners Medical Qigong thumbnail
Bru Columbanus
Cardinal Way, Wilton
7th September 2024

The Way of the Great Perfection
15th October - 24th June 2025