Exploring Buddhist Wisdom – Online

The Four Seals buddha statue

offered by Dzogchen Beara

Online Weekend on The Four Seals
with Susan Browne and Rob Van Willigen
Saturday 24 September, 9:30am to Sunday 25 September, 1pm (Irish time)

Buddhism is distinguished by four characteristics, or “seals.”  The Four Seals are said to be the hallmark of the Buddha’s teaching and encapsulate the particular view or philosophy of Buddhism.

The Four Seals

  • All that is conditioned is impermanent,
  • All that is tainted is suffering,
  • All phenomena are empty and devoid of self,
  • Nirvana is peace.

By understanding the way Buddhists look at the world and view their experience, we can find a fresh way of living our lives. Join us for an online weekend retreat where we will explore the buddhist view by studying the Four Seals.

We will explore how change is our constant companion, and learn how to relate to our emotions differently. We will examine how deepening our understanding of “emptiness” can help us develop a non-judgemental attitude towards ourselves and others, among other things.

During this weekend we will share the meaning of each of the Four Seals, reflect on what they mean to us personally and share our findings with others. You will leave with concrete exercises that you can apply again and again in your everyday life to further your understanding.

This retreat is nicely spaced out over Saturday and Sunday leaving plenty of time to manage your everyday life.  On Saturday there is a morning and a late afternoon session and on Sunday we will finish up by lunch time.

Saturday 24 September

  • Session 1:  9.30am – 10.30am (Irish)/ 10.30am – 11.30am (CET)
  • Session 2: 11am – 12pm (Irish)/ 12pm – 1pm (CET)
  • Session 3: 3pm – 5pm (Irish) / 4pm – 6pm (CET)

Sunday 25 September

  • Session 4: 9.30am – 10.30am (Irish)/ 10.30am – 11.30am (CET)
  • Session 5: 11am – 12pm (Irish)/ 12pm – 1pm (CET)

Susan Browne
Susan Browne has 30 years experience of Buddhist meditation and compassion practices.
She has been guiding groups and individuals in retreat over the past 25 years, both at Dzogchen Beara, and at the Institute of Wisdom and Compassion, France.
Susan specialises in individual sessions, giving guidance on meditation methods that will help best move through challenges one is facing.

Rob Van Willigen
Rob Van Willigen portraitAfter reading The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying in 2001, Rob van Willegen found a Rigpa centre near his student flat in Groningen and enrolled in the first available course. He discovered the profundity of the Buddha’s teachings. He was encouraged by the advice to examine these teachings to see if they relate to our experience and enthusiastically took up this challenge. He has studied and practised Tibetan Buddhism ever since. Rob studied Dutch language and literature and combines a full-time job as a marketing and communications professional with Buddhist practice. Having benefited tremendously from the essential instructions on meditation, he believes they offer a perfect path in modern times.


dzogchen-beara-banner The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying free preview link

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