
First teaching in Dzogchen Beara Temple

Over the weekend of July 13 and 14, Dzogchen Beara’s new Temple opened to the public and hosted ...

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National Sangha Gathering in Dzogchen Beara

We recently had a wonderful National Sangha Gathering in Dzogchen Beara 12-14 April. Fifty three people attended. We ...

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Exploring Happiness: A Review

In Autumn 2023 a small group of people of various ages and walks of life gathered at the ...

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Natural Great Peace meditation retreat report

Last week, we celebrated the 10th anniversary of the one-week long Natural GreatPeace retreat at Dzogchen Beara. For ...

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‘From Calm to Clarity’ retreat in Dzogchen Beara

In October, the Rigpa sangha was delighted to welcome Verena Pfeiffer to Dzogchen Beara for a three-day practice ...

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Peter Cornish, founder of Dzogchen Beara, passed away

Dear Friends, We’re writing to let you know that our dear friend Peter Cornish, founder of Dzogchen Beara, passed ...

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Rigpa Dublin Event: The Three Approaches to Healing –  online by Alain Beauregard

On Saturday 21st October 2023, Rigpa Dublin organised a wonderful session with Alain Beauregard called “The Three Approaches ...

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Medical Qigong in Cork

On Saturday 2nd September we had a wonderful morning of Medical qigong with Tony Walsh. The 26 participants ...

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North Coast Sangha Summer retreat report

At the beginning of August 2023, thirteen members of the North Coast sangha decided to step out of ...

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Ringu Tulku Rinpoche returns to Dzogchen Beara

Ringu Tulku Rinpoche was teaching in the UK and Ireland in June and the Irish Sangha has been ...

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